Summer Semester 2024 Preview

The Language Center is being developed continuously. We will keep expanding our range of courses and adding higher language levels. For the summer semester 2024, we are planning to offer the courses below.

Registration will be activated in ILIAS shortly before Easter.

General language courses

English B1.2

English B1.2 (4 weekly hours) in blended format: 2 weekly hours classroom teaching, 2 weekly hours online: This is a follow-up course for the winter semester’s B1.1 course. It is intended for those among you who, now that they study at university, feel that their English is not sufficient to read English texts, to hold presentations in English or to speak English in general. This may be the case if your English lessons at school were not sufficient, or if they were too long ago, or you simply did not find any access to the language. The course starts at a slightly advanced level and gives you the opportunity to catch up quickly. If you are unsure whether the level is appropriate for you, please contact the lecturer in advance:

Spanish A2

Spanish A2 (4 weekly hours) in blended format: 2 weekly hours classroom teaching, 2 weekly hours online: This is a follow-up course for the winter semester’s Spanish A1 and Spanish A1.2 courses. If you are unsure whether the level is appropriate for you, please contact your lecturer in advance:



Japanese A1.1: (3 weekly hours) A course for beginners without prior knowledge. A new blended format that combines weekly classroom teaching and/or online classes with two compact classes on Saturdays.

Japanese A1.2: (2 weekly hours) This is a follow-up course for the winter semester’s Japanese A1.1 course and will be continued in blended format.

Japanese A1.3: (2 weekly hours) This is the last course at A1 level. It is a follow-up course for the winter semester’s A1.2 course. This course, too, will be continued in blended format.


German as a foreign language

German for international students: (2 weekly hours) This course is intended for international students who are already studying for a degree at HSBI and feel that they still need some support to improve their German. The course contents will be tailored to the participants’ needs. They will be encouraged to ask their specific questions in class.

Professional courses

These courses are intended for students with prior knowledge of the respective language. These may have been obtained through lessons or informally, e.g. through family language or stays abroad. The idea is to enhance language skills that have so far been “only” used in informal settings for professional purposes.

English for Professional Purposes 2 weekly hours classroom teaching: This course is for all those who still remember their English school lessons quite well, do not have any major problems in understanding English texts, but secretly hope that no one will ever ask them to make appointments over the phone in English, to write English e-mails or to hold presentations in English at work. The course provides an opportunity to prepare for the above situations and to acquire the necessary skills.

Turkish for Professional Purposes 2 weekly hours classroom teaching: This course is intended for all those who have already acquired the basic knowledge of Turkish (A1+A2) and have no major problems in understanding Turkish texts, but have not yet used the language at work at all or very rarely. The course focuses on making appointments on the phone in Turkish, writing Turkish e-mails or holding presentations in Turkish. It provides an opportunity to prepare for the above situations and to acquire the necessary skills.